December 2024 Breakfast

Richard James Ducatt was born on September 18, 1947, in Gloversville, New York. Raised in NYS Adirondack Park Region.
Raised in NYS Adirondack Park Region. He was the only boy amongst seven sisters. Serving in the US Army from 1964 to 1967. Richard met his lovely wife Sandra in 1967, and married in 1968. They were faithfully married for 52 1/2 years, raised three boys and a girl: James, Dennis, Michael and Christine. Sadly, to say Richard is no stranger to grief Richard and Sandra lost their daughter Christine in 2012, in a car accident and Richard lost his beloved wife to the Covid influenza in 2020.
Richard was led to the Lord by a fellow co-worker in 1967 while helping to console a grieving widow. Where he had a born-again conversion that changed him radically — from mechanic and musician playing in bars and taverns to devoted minister, with a heart and life fully dedicated to the Lord. He was set free from alcohol and tobacco use and continues to be a light in a dark world helping others get set free from the strongholds in their life.
Employed for three years in 1980 as a Federal Correctional Officer, at F.C.I. Raybrook, NY.
He was ordained 1985 where he was asked to be the Pastor of the New Hope Christian Fellowship in Lake Placid, NY. Then in 1989 that he felt the Lord called him to construct a new church and sanctuary – a place of healing for lost and broken souls in the Lake Placid area.
The church has been a thriving refuge and sanctuary for hundreds of people over the past 30 years.
The church has expanded and is now known as New Hope Church: a place of new hope, healing, and restoration — physically, emotionally and spiritually, where many have come and received life-saving grace.
Come hear what the Lord has done and continues to do, in and through the life of this man and ministry.
Through those years Richards’ hardworking, disciplined, persistent and dedicated work ethics and practices has continued to grow into his professional career and extensive ministry experiences today.
March 2024 Watertown Chapter Breakfast

Howie is a lifelong resident of Upstate New York. He graduated from Pulaski High School and joined the Marine Corp during the Vietnam War era. He became very confused and disillusioned with life and was introduced to drugs and the party scene which exacted a toll on his life and marriage. He became a born- again Christian in the mid-1970’s during a revival here in Jefferson County. His conversion was very powerful, and his life totally changed. He currently is Pastor of a work here in Watertown called “Kingdom of God Ministries”. Come and listen to Howie’s testimony and be touched with the presence and power of God.